Recruitment Target Reached | 招募人數達標

Thank you for your interest in participating. Our current recruitment target has been reached.


COVID-19 vaccines adverse events response & evaluation (CARE) programme

COVID-19 is a global pandemic that affects people’s health and life. The COVID-19 vaccine is expected to play an important role in the control of the global pandemic. Hence, it is immensely important to closely monitor the safety of the vaccines as they begin to be taken up by the citizens of Hong Kong. A comprehensive post-marketing surveillance is needed to monitor for potential adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines while in widespread clinical use. 

The CARE Programme is a comprehensive surveillance programme that closely monitor known and potential adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines. It aims to ascertain details of adverse events to inform the public in a timely manner. The  HKU Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy team is responsible for implementing the CARE Programme. 

We are now inviting the COVID-19 vaccination priority groups to participate in our study. Your participation will allow researchers to build a better understanding of the vaccine, to promote and support future vaccination studies. We can work together to fight against the pandemic. 




研究團隊誠邀首批優先接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗的人士積極參與研究計劃, 協助研究團隊吸取經驗, 推展日後疫苗接種, 齊心打贏抗疫戰。 


Purpose | 研究目的 

This study aims to understand the potential adverse events seen in people of different age groups and their health statuses following COVID-19 vaccination. This study will be conducted in the form of follow-up surveys. 


Content | 研究內容 

Each vaccine recipient or caregiver will complete a set of online or paper survey 1,2,3,7, 14,28 day(s) after each COVID-19 vaccine injection (2 doses in total). 

The surveys will record the health status and any adverse events seen in the vaccine recipient. 

疫苗接種者或其照顧者在每次疫苗接種(共兩劑)後的第 1、2、3、7、14和28天,填寫最多12份電子或實體問卷。 


Participation Eligibility | 參與者資格 

You/Your ward will be eligible to participate in this study if you/your ward is a Hong Kong resident and have received COVID-19 vaccines. 


Remuneration | 研究津貼 

As a token of appreciation, each vaccine recipient/caregiver will receive a HK$50 gift voucher upon completion of all surveys for the 1st dose, and a HK$100 gift voucher upon completion of all surveys for the 2nd dose. 


Data Collection | 個人資料收集 

What kind of personal data is collected? 哪些個人資料將會被收集? 

What kind of clinical data is collected? 哪些臨床資料將會被收集? 

Why is such data collected? 收集上述資料的目的是什麼? 

How will the collected data be handled? 收集上述資料後將如何處理? 

Confidentiality | 資料保密 

All data and original documents will be stored in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the University of Hong Kong. Original documents will be entered into electronic databases and destroyed 5 years after the conclusion of the study. All personal data will be kept confidential and the data for data analysis would be anonymised. Your/Your ward’s data and information may be inspected by regulatory authorities of academic research, such as auditor(s) or the Institutional Review Board/ Independent Ethics Committee. 

Under the laws of Hong Kong (in particular the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486), you/your ward enjoy or may enjoy rights for the protection of the confidentiality of your/your ward’s personal data, such as those regarding the collection, custody, retention, management, control, use (including analysis or comparison), transfer in or out of Hong Kong, non-disclosure, erasure and/or in any way dealing with or disposing of any of your/your ward’s personal data in or for this study. For any query, you should consult the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data or his office ( +852 2827 2827) as to the proper monitoring or supervision of your personal data protection so that your full awareness and understanding of the significance of compliance with the law governing privacy data is assured. 

By consenting to participate in this study, you expressly authorise: 


根據香港法律(特別是「個人資料(私隱)條例」第486章),您有權對您/您的受監護者的個人資料進行保密,如在本項研究中或與本項研究有關的個人資料的收集、保管、保留、管理、控制、使用(分析或比較)、在香港內外轉讓、不披露、消除和/或任何處理方式。如有任何問題,您可以諮詢個人資料私隱專員或致電到其辦公室( +852 2827 2827),以適當監管或監督您/您的受監護者個人資料的保護,以便您能完全認識和瞭解確保遵守法律保護私隱資料的意義。 


Publication of Findings | 結果發表 

After the completion of the study, we will publish the research findings in medical journals or share anonymised data with other academic institutions. We may also publicise the findings through the local and international media. Under no circumstances would any personal data be released. The data collected in this study maybe analysed in other related studies that we may conduct in future. 


Enquiries | 聯絡研究團隊 

For any enquiries, please contact our research personnel Ms Leung: 
